Single Photons at JQI

See our Book- Single-Photon Generation and Detection: Physics and Applications (Nov. 2013 Academic Press) and our review article on Single-Photon Sources and Detectors in Review of Scientific Instruments


Parametric Downconversion

Parametric DownconversionFor an explanation of this beautiful light you don't need to read the book. You can just watch our movie.

PDC publications

Photon number squeezing in repeated parametric downconversion with ancillary photon-number measurements

B.L. Glebov, J. Fan, and A. Migdall

Opt. Express, 22 20358-20365(2014)


Deterministic generation of single photons via multiplexing repetitive parametric downconversions

B.L. Glebov, J. Fan, and A. Migdall

Appl. Phys. Lett., 103 031115(2013)


Demonstrating highly symmetric single-mode, single-photon heralding efficiency in spontaneous parametric downconversion

M.D.C. Pereira, F.E. Becerra, B.L. Glebov, J. Fan, S.W. Nam, and A. Migdall

Opts. Lett., 38 1609-1611(2013)


An extremely low-noise heralded single-photon source: A breakthrough for quantum technologies

G. Brida, I. P. Degiovanni, M. Genovese, F. Piacentini, P. Traina, A. Della Frera, A. Tosi, A. Bahgat Shehata, C. Scarcella, A. Gulinatti, M. Ghioni, S. V. Polyakov, A. Migdall, and A. Giudice

Applied Phys. Lett., 101 221112 (2012)


Experimental realization of a low-noise heralded single-photon source

G. Brida, I. P. Degiovanni, M. Genovese, A. Migdall, F. Piacentini, S. V. Polyakov, and I. Ruo Berchera

Optics Express, 19 1484-1492 (2011)


Generation of optical coherent-state superpositions by number-resolved photon subtraction from the squeezed vacuum

T. Gerrits, S. Glancy, T. S. Clement, B. Calkins, A. E. Lita, A. J. Miller, A. L. Migdall, S. W. Nam, R. P. Mirin, and E. Knill

Phys. Rev. A 82, 031802 (2010)


Heralded, pure-state single-photon source based on a Potassium Titanyl Phosphate waveguide

Z. H. Levine, J. Fan, J. Chen, A. Ling, and A. Migdall

Optics Express, 18 3708-3718(2010)


A versatile waveguide source of photon pairs for chip-scale quantum information processing

J. Chen, A. J. Pearlman, A. Ling, J. Fan, and A. L. Migdall

Optics Express, 17 6727-6740(2009)


Scalable multiplexed detector system for high-rate telecom-band single-photon detection

G. Brida, I. P. Degiovanni, F. Piacentini, V. Schettini, S. V. Polyakov, and A. Migdall

Rev. Sci. Instr. 80, 116103 (2009)


Generation of optical Schrödinger cat states by number-resolved squeezed photon subtraction

T. Gerrits, S. Glancy, T. Clement, B. Calkins, A. Lita, A. Miller, A. Migdall, S. W. Nam, R. Mirin, M. Knill

CLEO/QELS  ITuB1 Balto. Md May 31- June 5, 2009