Single Photons at JQI

See our Book- Single-Photon Generation and Detection: Physics and Applications (Nov. 2013 Academic Press) and our review article on Single-Photon Sources and Detectors in Review of Scientific Instruments


Metrology publications

Photon number resolution enables quantum receiver for realistic coherent optical communications

F. E. Becerra, J. Fan, and A. L. Migdall

Nature Photonics doi:10.1038/nphoton.2014.280 (2014)


Direct measurement of sub-wavelength interference using thermal light and photon-number-resolved detection

Y. Zhai, F. E. Becerra, J. Fan, and A. L. Migdall

APL 150 101104(2014)

Practical Implementation of a Test of Event-Based Corpuscular Model as an Alternative to Quantum Mechanics

S. V. Polyakov, F. Piacentini, P. Traina, I. P. Degiovanni, A. Migdall, G. Brida, and M. Genovese

Found. Phys. 43, 913-922 (2013)

Mode reconstruction of a light field by multiphoton statistics

E. A. Goldschmidt, F. Piacentini, I. R. Berchera, S. V. Polyakov, S. Peters, S. Kück, G. Brida, I. P. Degiovanni, A. Migdall, and M. Genovese

Phys. Rev. A 88, 013822 (2013)

Reply to Comment on “Experimental Test of an Event-Based Corpuscular Model Modification as an Alternative to Quantum Mechanics”

G. Brida, I. P. Degiovanni, M. Genovese, A. Migdall, F. Piacentini, S. V. Polyakov, and P. Traina

J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. 82, 086002 (2013)

Experimental Test of an Event-Based Corpuscular Model Modification as an Alternative to Quantum Mechanics

G. Brida, I. P. Degiovanni, M. Genovese, A. Migdall, F. Piacentini, S. V. Polyakov, and P. Traina

J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. 82, 034004 (2013)

Implementation of generalized quantum measurements for unambiguous discrimination of multiple non-orthogonal coherent states

F. E. Becerra, J. Fan, and A. Migdall

Nature Communications 4, 2028 (2013)

Experimental demonstration of a receiver beating the standard quantum limit for multiple nonorthogonal state discrimination

F. E. Becerra, J. Fan, G. Baumgartner, J. Goldhar, J. T. Kosloski, and A. Migdall

Nature Photonics 7, 147-152 (2013)

Photon-number-resolved detection of photon-subtracted thermal light

Y. Zhai, F.E. Becerra, B.L. Glebov, J. Wen, A.E. Lita, B. Calkins, T. Gerrits, J. Fan, S.W. Nam, and A. Migdall

Opts. Lett., 38 2171-2173(2013)

M-ary-state phase-shift-keying discrimination below the homodyne limit

F. E. Becerra, J. Fan, G. Baumgartner, S. V. Polyakov, J. Goldhar, J. T. Kosloski, and A. Migdall

Physical Review A 84, 062324 (2011)

Ancilla-Assisted Calibration of a Measuring Apparatus

G. Brida, L. Ciavarella, I. P. Degiovanni, M. Genovese, A. Migdall, M. G. Mingolla, M. G. A. Paris, F. Piacentini, and S.V. Polyakov

Phys. Rev. Lett. 108, 253601(2012)

Enhancing image contrast using coherent states and photon number resolving detectors

A. J. Pearlman, A. Ling, E. A. Goldschmidt, C. F.Wildfeuer, J. Fan, and A. Migdall

Optics Express 18, 6033-6039 (2010)

Improved implementation of the Alicki–Van Ryn nonclassicality test for a single particle using Si detectors

G. Brida, I. P. Degiovanni, M. Genovese, F. Piacentini, V. Schettini, N. Gisin, S. V. Polyakov, and A. Migdall

Phys. Rev. A 79, 044102 (2009)

Resolution and sensitivity of a Fabry-Perot interferometer with a photon-number-resolving detector

C. F. Wildfeuer, A. J. Pearlman, J. Chen, J. Fan, A. Migdall, and J. P. Dowling

Phys. Rev. A 80, 043822 (2009)

Quantum radiometry

S. V. Polyakov, A. Migdall

Journal of Modern Optics 56 1045-1052(2009)

First- and second-order Poisson spots

W. R. Kelly, E. L. Shirley, A. L. Migdall and S. V. Polyakov

Am. J. Phys. 77 713-720(2009)

High accuracy verification of a correlated-photon- based method for determining photoncounting detection efficiency

S. V. Polyakov and A. L. Migdall

Optics Express 15 1390-1407(2007)


Photon Counting Metrology

We work on high accuracy detection efficiency at photon counting levels. This is a particularly difficult task as photon-counting detectors can only handle very low levels of light before saturating or being destroyed, (that is 10-10 W) while typical detector calibrations require significant amounts of light (10-4 W) so that the noise of the detector does not lead to inaccurate measurements.  To bridging this gap we have created some very high gain but very low noise detectors to be used as transfer standard devices to allow the efficiency of photon-counting detectors to be accurately determined. If you have an interest in such accuracy we would be very interested in a potential collaborations.