* Single Photon: General Publications
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Z. H. Levine, B.L. Glebov, A. Migdall, T. Gerrits, B. Calkins, A. E. Lita, and S. W. Nam
JOSA B 31, B20-B24 (2014)
**BOOK**: Single-Photon Generation and Detection: Physics and Applications
Experimental Methods in the Physical Sciences, Vol. 45, Academic Press, Nov. 29 (2013) (Chapter 1 download)
Invited Review Article: Single-photon sources and detectors
Rev. Sci. Instrum. 82, 071101 (2011)
Single Photon Devices and Applications (editorial for Special Issue)
S. Kück, A. L. Migdall, I. P. Degiovanni, and J. Y. Cheung
J. Mod. Opts. 59, 1455 (2012)
Z. H. Levine, T. Gerrits, A. L. Migdall, D. V. Samarov, B. Calkins, A. E. Lita, and S. W. Nam
J. Opt. Soc. Am. B 29, 2066-2073 (2012)
T. Gerrits, B. Calkins, N. Tomlin, A. E. Lita, A. Migdall, R. Mirin, S. W. Nam
Opt. Express 20, 23798-23810 (2012)
Real-Time Data-Acquisition Platform for Pulsed Measurements
S. V. Polyakov, A. Migdall, S. W. Nam
AIP Conf. Proc. 1327, 505-519 (2011)