Single Photons at JQI

See our Book- Single-Photon Generation and Detection: Physics and Applications (Nov. 2013 Academic Press) and our review article on Single-Photon Sources and Detectors in Review of Scientific Instruments


Want an inexpensive but powerful way to count coincidences between more than two channels?


How much would you pay for a computer linked coincidence circuit? Well, don't answer yet!


This system allows you to record coincidences between more than two channels. Need eight channels or more? No problem. This system will record any combination of coincidences between the input channels, that is not just coincidences between a mere two channels but any number of channels. But wait there's more.


This system can send you all of the coincidence events or filter out just the one you really want. That is all wonderful, but there is even more. The same hardware can be used for other applications. It can time tag events from all the channels and even be used to process analog pulses. Certainly you would expect to pay over $10,000 for such a system, but this system can be built for much less than even $1000. It can be built for only a few hundred dollars. We  show you how here.


This is designed to be an easy to follow recipe. Let us know how it works for you.